The past week has been incredibly busy and I haven't even had much time to update the blog. Since we launched the "body contouring packages 50% off" promotion in June, a large number of customers have come in either for consulting or booking treatments every day. After pre-treatment consultant with several customers, I found that most people still don't know much about our body contouring treatment. Many of them think that one treatment will give them a charming body shape immediately. So I think it is necessary for me to write a blog just explaining how our body contouring treatment works and what results you can expect after full treatment.
Who is suit for body contouring treatments
Our body contouring treatments use non-invasive cosmetic techniques to help you get rid of unwanted fat from specific areas of your body. The ultimate goal of these treatments is to get your body into an attractive slim shape. From the first treatment started, your body shape should have visible improvement within 2-6 weeks.
So..either you feel unconfident with cellulite or fat pockets hanging out of your body, or you want to show off your abdominal muscle vest lines in instagram photo during the holiday, or you have stubborn fat in some particular areas (such as the belly fat, chin fat, inner arms fat) that cannot be easily eliminated with regular exercises, or if you are preparing your own wedding ceremony and want to get slim body shape in the short-term period to fit yourself in the slim wedding dress, or even if you have an important interview or performance and need to adjust your body shape to the best for showing important people..then our body contouring treatments will bring amazing results to you.
How dose these treatments work on you
No matter which body contouring treatment you choose, there are three major non-invasive cosmetic techniques that may be applied to the treatment. They are Lipo Freeze, Ultrasound Cavitation, and Radio Frequency. To achieve optimum results, our aesthetic practitioner will adjust the proportion of each technique in the treatment according to the different conditions of each client. In some cases, micro-current therapy and shockwave will be added to the treatment in order to help the client metabolize fat cells more efficiently. I will discuss each technique in detail.
Lipo Freeze/Cryolipolysis
- Often used in our Chin Cryolipolysis, Bat-Wing Arm Loss, and Abdomen Contouring treatments.
Target Area: fat pocket, superficial fat, stubborn fat
Principle: "Kill" fat cells by directly froze them, then excret with metabolic system
Effectiveness: extremely effective
Comfortable: mild freezing sensation
Repeat Treatment: 2 treatments for optimum result
Result Shown: within 4 - 10 weeks base on personal metabolic rate
Lipo Freeze/Cryolipolysis is a fat loss technology that has often been mentioned in recent years. You may have heard people talk about Coolsculpting or HD 360 Cryolipolysis. The principles of these machines are all the same, which uses -10℃ cryowave technology to target the cold-intolerant properties of adipose tissue. When the freezing wave passes through the skin layer and contacts the fat, the low temperature cooling technology is used to remove the fat cells, and the fat is slowly condensed and apoptotic, and then excreted with the body's natural metabolic system.
The difference between cryolipolysis and the other techniques mentioned above is that it can target the source of adipose tissue - fat cells. Even if the above weight loss technologies can reduce the volume of adipose tissue, without reducing the number of fat cells in a day, fat will always accumulate again. And cryolipolysis can reduce the chance of fat re-formation from the source of fat cells, and cure the symptoms!
Cryolipolysis works extremely well on fat pockets. Normally Cryolipolysis requires about 2-3 treatments per area. The results may vary from person to person. If you have a fast metabolism rate, you may can see result to showing about 4 weeks after treatment. For most people with normal metabolism rates the best results usually begin to show approximatly 6 - 8 weeks after treatment.
Ultrasound Cavitation
- Used in our Double Chin Reduction, Bat-Wing Arm Loss, Brazilian Bum Lift, and Abdomen Contouring treatments.
Target Area: stubborn fat, subcutaneous fat
Principle: "Shrink" fat cells by empty them, then excret with lymphatic system
Effectiveness: very effective
Comfortable: hear a buzzing in your ear, very mild warm sensation on target area
Repeat Treatment: averagely 4 - 6 sessions required, for large area treatment may need upto 10 sessions
Result Shown: immediately, optimum result begin to show after 4 - 6 weeks
When it comes to medical beauty level fat loss, the most likely thing that everyone thinks is liposuction. Compared with liposuction, the idea of ultrasonic cavitation is not to remove fat cells – it’s to empty them, causing them to shrink. The principle of ultrasound cavitation is to focus the ultrasonic wave on the subcutaneous adipose tissue, destroy the mechanical effect of the fat cell membrane, and at the same time apply a thermal effect to the adipose tissue which will damage the fat cells. The fat then can be expelled into surrounding area. These fatty acids are then processed and eliminated by the body's lymphatic system. Ultrasound cavitation is non-invasive, with more safety and shorter recovery period than liposuction. For some people, ultrasound cavitation results can be seen immediately after the first treatment. However, for optimal results upto 10 seeeions recommended for some large areas.
Radio Frequency
- Used in our Double Chin Reduction, Bat-Wing Arm Loss, Brazilian Bum Lift, Cellulite Removal, and Abdomen Contouring treatments.
Target Area: cellulite, stubborn fat, superficial fat
Principle: "Melting" fat cells by burn them, liquified fat expelled via liver and lymphatic system
Effectiveness: very effective
Comfortable: mild warm sensation on target area
Repeat Treatment: for optimum results, 6 - 10 sessions may required.
Result Shown: visible after first 2 sessions, optimum result begin to show after 6 sessions
Radio frequency is often used by dermatologists on patients who have areas of excessive fat on their bodies. It involves applying controlled heat on your fat cells, causing them to malting and shrink without affecting the surrounding muscle or skin. This procedure not only decreases fat but also stimulates collagen production, which helps to tighten loose skin. Radio frequency worked as transmit high-frequency alternating electromagnetic waves to the dermis layer. This melts and flattens fat cells to achieve volume reduction using focused heat energy at temperatures of up to 60 degrees. By disrupting the fat cell membrane with radio frequency, the fat cells shrink in size. The liquified fat is then expelled naturally via the bodies liver and lymphatic system. Furthermore, radio frequency can stimulate the healing response of degenerated cells, so that the loose skin is tightened, collagen is proliferated, and the new collagen remodels and repairs the aging and damaged collagen, so as to achieve the effect of wrinkle reduction and skin tightening.
Do these treatments really work
The answer is definatly YES. Lipo Freeze, Ultrasound Cavitation, and Radio Frequency are the most advanced body sculpting technologies in the beauty industry recent years. All three technologies have been approved to be used as Beauty Level body sculpting treatments by FDA. Lipo freeze is considered as slower visible than the other two techniques, but with best the long-term maintainable result. Ultrasound is recognised as the most efficiency technique for fat loss with in short period of time. Furthermore, the feature of Radio Frequency is not only melting fat, but also can promote collagen regeneration. So beside body sculpting, it is also widely used in anti-aging treatments.
Believe or not, there are lots of celebrities did body contouring treatment with at least one of these techniques. There is no doubt they motivate us to look our best and give us inspiration.
Jennifer Anniston uses Lipo Freeze to help keep her sculpted body. The famous actress revealed to InStyle that she’s a fan of non-invasive treatments. She used Lipo Freeze to improve some of her troubled areas where stubborn fat would just hang out.
Khloe Kardashian uses Lipo Freeze alongside her dieting and exercising. Khloe slimmed and toned her body with the combination of diet, exercise and Lipo Freeze. She told New Beauty magazine that she had Lipo Freeze and Radio Frequency for the stretch marks on her bottom. Her sister, Kim, also uses the Lipo Freeze procedure.
Gemma Collins, the TOWIE star, reveals that 3D Lipo Freeze combine with Ultrasound Cavitation helped her lose 16.5 inches off her frame. Amy Childs, another celebrity, turned to combination of Ultrasound Cavitation with 3D Lipo Freeze to lose some weight after she was banned from the gym due to her breast implant complications. She has successfully managed to lose weight by dropping down a dress size and losing 3 inches from her waist.
Coleen Rooney is yet another star who has tried 3D Lipo Freeze and loved it. She turned to this treatment in a bid to regain her youthful body after the births of her children, Klay and Kai.
In Summary
All of these treatments facilitate in the reduction of localised fat through a pain-free application, leaving no scarring or marks while also tightening the skin. A great advantage is that all procedures allow you to continue with your normal daily activities immediately after the treatment process with no downtime required. So if you're interested in beauty-grade body contouring treatments, don't hesitate to book your next appointment at Beauty Bee and we will bring you an amazing result.