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  • Writer's pictureNancy

HIFU, the gold standard for face lifting and skin tightening

Updated: May 16, 2022

My first exposure to HIFU machines was at the 2010 CBE Shanghai. At that time, I was impressed by the HIFU skin lifting technology shown by a German company called Merz. In recent years, as my age grown, I have done regular facial treatments more and more frequently, from once per month to once per week now. Furthermore, all home beauty devices I brought before are no longer strong enough for my need, completely unable to keep up with the speed of aging. I started getting aging anxiety.

5 years ago, I suddenly remembered HIFU technology, and with the mentality of trying it out, I had my first HIFU treatment in Singapore. The results were amazing. My face began to tighten and lift about a month later. the corners of my eyes and jaw line were significantly lifted, the nasolabial lines were also turnned lighter very obviously. the biggest changing was my neck. Because my neck lines always been obvious, after HIFU treatment I found out my neck lines significantly lightened. I shared my HIFU experiences with all my friends around me. Some friends followed my suggestion went for HIFU treatment. They all said it worked well on them. As still lots of people never heared about this innovative beauty technology, so I am here to share some basic information about HIFU.

What is HIFU: HIFU stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. It is an advanced ultrasound cosmetic technology which can significantly tighten and lift several areas of the face, reduce the signs of ageing and improve the tone of the skin in a single session, with potentially long-lasting effects. HIFU always been considered gold standard for non-surgical face lifting and skin tightening.

How does HIFU work: High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound can penetrate the dermis and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer, which none of laser, radio frequency, cosmetology surgery, or other technology can target these layers deep within the skin in a non-invasive procedure. Based on your body's self-healing function, your face will start to produces collagen. After 4 to 8 weeks newly produced collagen fills up the SMAS layer of your face. As result, your overall face contour will have a significant lifting effect, while winkles will be stretched and flattened, and the overall face skin will be more smooth.

Suitable for: I personally think HIFU is particularly suitable to group of people that over 28 years old, with muscular facials, sagging cheeks, double chins, deep nasolabial wrinkles, and sensitive to anti-aging skin care products. And treatment effect is remarkable to these kinds of people.

After Care: Some people may experience dry skin after the treatment. So it is important to following after care advicements. Proper oral collagen supplementation such as Holland & Barrett Collagen tablets will help skin recover quicker.

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